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Monday, February 10

8:30am EST

Pre-Conference - Artificial Intelligence in Scholarship and Research LIMITED
Monday February 10, 2025 8:30am - 12:00pm EST
Join us for a two-part exploration of the state of Artificial Intelligence in the world of scholarship and research. In the first half of the session, we will have a moderated discussion with a group of technical experts from publishers, vendors, and others actively working on products that use AI in the marketplace now. We will explore the strengths of each approach to using AI and the possibilities and limitations moving forward, and give the audience a chance to participate in conversation to learn more about these emerging tools.

In the second half, we will use the ARL/CNI Artificial Intelligence Scenarios (https://www.arl.org/resources/the-arl-cni-2035-scenarios-ai-influenced-futures-in-the-research-environment/) to examine the potential of these tools. We will work to find areas where libraries, publishers, vendors, and researchers have a need for collaboratively developed best practices and standards around the development, use, and evaluation of AI tools. Join us to advance the conversation around responsible use of AI in scholarly communications!

Resources to view before the pre-conference:

Podcast: https://youtu.be/GmmC2cqgAqU?si=iejuftUSP_YXFMoz

Report: ARL/CNI AI Scenarios: AI-Influenced Futures. Washington, DC, and West Chester, PA: Association of Research Libraries, Coalition for Networked Information, and Stratus Inc., June 2024. https://doi.org/10.29242/report.aiscenarios2024.

Participating in this session will be:

Karim Boughida, Dean of Libraries at Stony Brook University
Judson Dunham, Senior Director of Product Management at Elsevier
Matthew Hayes, VP and Managing Director of Technology from Sage
Hong Zhou, Director of Intelligent Services & Head of AI R&D at Atypon
Michael Napoleone, VP of Product Management at EBSCO
Cynthia Hudson Vitale, Associate Dean, Johns Hopkins University
Dr. Leo S Lo, Dean/Professor of the College of University Libraries and Learning Sciences & President ACRL, University of New Mexico
Beth LaPensee, Principal Product Manager, Ithaka

Collaborative Notes
avatar for John Fitzgerald

John Fitzgerald

Senior Programmer Analyst, Stony Brook University
avatar for Judson Dunham

Judson Dunham

Senior Director of Product Management, Elsevier
I have been in product management at Elsevier for seven years, working mostly on our flagship online search and discovery products ScienceDirect and Scopus. In recent years I’ve led efforts to develop new ways of integrating supplementary data into online articles, establish linkages... Read More →
avatar for Beth LaPensee

Beth LaPensee

Sr. Product Manager for JSTOR, ITHAKA
avatar for Michael Napoleone

Michael Napoleone

VP SaaS Product Management, EBSCO
avatar for Leo Lo

Leo Lo

Dean/Professor of the College of University Libraries and Learning Sciences President ACRL, University of New Mexico
avatar for Karim Boughida

Karim Boughida

Dean of Stony Brook University Libraries, Stony Brook University
Executive leader with a demonstrated history of working in higher education, library, IT, and data sectors. Skilled in AI, emerging tech, data management, archival and library research, innovation management, product/program management, and team building.
avatar for Matt Hayes

Matt Hayes

MD, Technology from Sage
I am MD of Technology from Sage, a portfolio of library services owned by Sage Publishing. Tools include Talis, covering reading lists, ereserves and social annotation, Lean Library, a library discovery and patron engagement tool, and Sciwheel, an authoring and reference management... Read More →
avatar for Hong Zhou

Hong Zhou

Senior Director of AI Product Management, Wiley
Hong is the Senior Director of AI Product Management at Wiley, where he design AI strategy, drives the product roadmap, and leads teams in developing intelligent solutions that automate and enhance research and publishing processes using AI, big data, and cloud technologies.Hong holds... Read More →
Monday February 10, 2025 8:30am - 12:00pm EST
Laurel AB

9:00am EST

Monday February 10, 2025 9:00am - 5:00pm EST
JATS-Con is a conference for anyone who uses, or is interested in learning about, the Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS), an XML format for marking up and exchanging journal content. JATS is an ANSI/NISO standard and is formally designated as ANSI/NISO Z39.96.

The conference has been hosted by the National Library of Medicine since 2010 and will now be a full-day pre-conference at NISOPlus 2025 in Baltimore on February 10, 2025. The schedule for JATS-Con 2025 can be seen here https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/jats-con/2025/schedule2025.html

Conference presentations are peer-reviewed and result in a final paper that is archived. Papers from previous conferences are available in the Proceedings (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK65129/).


8:45-9:00 Welcome and Introductions

9:00-9:45. Standards, adoptions, collections … oh, my!: A case study on NISO-STS document expressivity
G. Ken Holman, Réalta Online Publishing Solutions Ltd.

9:45-10:30Challenges/solutions for multilingual document formatting
Michael A. Miller, Antenna House

10:30-10:45Coffee Break10:45-11:30Application of the JATS for Reuse Accessibility Recommendations
Melissa Jones, Silverchair
Joni Dames, Wiley

11:30-12:15Accessible Math at Scale: How JATS and intelligent editing tools rise to the challenge
Scott Dineen, Optica Publishing Group
Jennifer Mayfield, Optica Publishing Group
Alexander “Sasha” Schwarzman, Optica Publishing Group

12:15-1:45 Lunch on your own

1:45-2:30. Roundtripping Journal Article Linked Documents and Journal Article Tag Suite
Rinke Hoekstra, Elsevier
Charles O’Connor, Aries Systems
Edgar Schouten, Elsevier

2:30-3:15. JATS Open Session

3:15-3:30 Coffee Break

3:30-4:15 An Open Innovation Approach to Extending WordPress to Create Automated, Seamless Export of XML for Multi-Platform Public Access and Discovery
Alexei N. Yukna, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases Clinical Guidelines Program
Stacy M. Lathrop, NCBI/NLM/NIH
Patrick Harris, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases Clinical Guidelines Program
Susan E. Douglas, NCBI/NLM/NIH
Rachel D. Lastra, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases Clinical Guidelines Program
Johanna L. Gribble, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases Clinical Guidelines Program
Jennifer R. Ham, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases Clinical Guidelines Program
Mary Beth Hansen, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases Clinical Guidelines Program

4:15-5:00. From Valid XML to Valuable XML: When “Good” Matters More Than “Valid”
Mark Gross, Data Conversion Laboratory (DCL)

Collaborative Notes
avatar for Todd Carpenter

Todd Carpenter

Executive Director, NISO
Wine, food, wine, Standards, running, wine, food, wine.http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8320-0491

Joni Dames

Senior Solution Architect, Wiley

Scott Dineen

Sr. Director Publishing Production and Technology, Optica Publishing Group
avatar for Mark Gross

Mark Gross

President, Data Conversion Laboratory
A recognized authority on XML implementation and digital transformations. Mark’s experience and leadership focuses on developing and delivering technology-driven solutions. Under his direction, DCL uses the latest innovations in artificial intelligence, including machine learning... Read More →

Mary Beth Hansen

Clinical Guidelines Program, Special Projects, Johns Hopkins University

Ken Holman

Réalta Online Publishing Solutions Limited
avatar for Melissa Jones

Melissa Jones

Content Architect, Silverchair
Melissa Jones is a Content Architect at Silverchair with over 20 years of experience in content management and publishing. As a Content Architect, she plays a pivotal role in facilitating the content migration process and guiding publishers in their XML decisions. Melissa also leads... Read More →

Jennifer Mayfield

Deputy Senior Director of Electronic Publishing, Optica
I work at Optica, where I am the Deputy Senior Director of Electronic Publishing. I oversee the platform management, publishing workflows, and content dissemination for the society's digital library. With 25 years of experience in academic publishing, I nurtured the development and... Read More →

Michael Miller

Michael, Antenna House
avatar for Charles O'Connor

Charles O'Connor

Lead Product Manager, Elsevier
XML-through journal production workflows

Alexander Schwarzman

Content Technology Architect, Optica

Alexei Yukna

XML Developer, JHU Clinical Guidelines Program, Desire Path
Monday February 10, 2025 9:00am - 5:00pm EST
Laurel CD

1:00pm EST

Pre-Conference - Assessing OA Book Usage: Can We Find a Shared Set of Standards? LIMITED
Monday February 10, 2025 1:00pm - 5:00pm EST
As the prevalence of open access grows in the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) book publishing, digital usage metrics become increasingly important for measuring impact. Publishers, scholars, and university administrators all have their own specific interest in being able to accurately assess impact. The challenges, however, in HSS book publishing are significantly different than those in scientific journal publishing. Whereas it is standard for an article to have one DOI that points to a single version of record (VOR), digital books typically live on multiple platforms (e.g. JSTOR, Project MUSE, OAPEN, IRs, etc.) with their own unique digital object identifier (DOI) and no real equivalent to a “VOR.” It’s also not uncommon for a platform provider to “chunk” books into their constituent chapters and assign chapter-specific DOIs. Again, each platform might assign its own DOIs, which means that a single book might have ten or more DOIs associated with it (not to mention 3 or 4 ISBNs, which publishers continue to assign to books for the trade). Further complicating the situation is the fact that there is no agreed-upon terminology for defining usage. Terms such as “downloads,” “views,” and “reads” can vary from one platform to the next. And while COUNTER has helped to rein in some of the terminological variation, there is still no consensus, especially among publishers, that achieving COUNTER compliance is the solution to all of the problems that OA books pose.

The goal of this event is to bring together representatives from across the OA book publishing sector (including publishers, aggregators, librarians, and platform providers) to engage in a robust, collective conversation, bringing all perspectives of the community. Through conversation and breakout activities, a map of the initial contours of a shared set of standards for OA eBook usage may emerge, preparing for a charted a path toward achieving such a set of standards.

Tasha Mellins-Cohen
Wendy Queen
Laura Ricci
Dean Smith

Collaborative Notes
avatar for Alice Meadows

Alice Meadows

Co-founder, MoreBrains Cooperative
The MoreBrains Cooperative is a team of consultants who specialise in and share the values of open research with a focus on scholarly communications, and research information management, policy, and infrastructures. We launched in 2020 - I'm one of the Co-founders, and I look forward... Read More →

Tasha Mellins-Cohen

Executive Director, COUNTER Metrics

Laura Ricci

Senior Consultant, Clarke & Esposito
Laura is a Senior Consultant at Clarke & Esposito, a management consulting firm focused on strategic issues related to professional and academic publishing and information services
Monday February 10, 2025 1:00pm - 5:00pm EST
Laurel AB
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