About me
If you are curious about taxonomies and their implementation Margie is the one to talk with. She is presently convener of the ISO 25964 Information and documentation — Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies — Part 1: Thesauri for information retrieval, management, and use. She contributed to the Z39.19 2005 Controlled Vocabulary, Z39.85 Dublin Core standard development teams. She also created the taxonomy for the CrEdit standard, worked on the Z39.104 Standard Specific Ontology for Standards, (SSOS), the DOI Syntax and DOI Contributed Metadata set, Open URL Standard Advisor, NISO Z39.88, and others. Marjorie M.K. Hlava is Chief Scientist, Chairman, and founder of Access Innovations, Inc. She served on the NISO board for five years and the NISO Content Board. She is past president several organizations; NFAIS (2002-2003), American Society for Information Science and Technology - 1993 (ASIST), Documentation Abstracts 1990-1991, Hubbell Society Museum and Library (1994-1998). Awards include: ASIST Award of Merit and Watson Davis Award; NFAIS Miles Conrad and Ann Marie Cunningham Award; Special Libraries Association, founded Taxonomy Division 2009, Fellow 2006 Presidents Award 1999, Board of Directors of SLA (Twice), Hubbell Hall of Fame Award 2021, Woman of Influence in Technology, and has held numerous other positions in these and other organizations.She has given countless presentations domestically and internationally, including keynote addresses. She has published more than two hundred articles and 4 books on information science topics, is a member of NKOS. Her research areas include furthering the productivity of content creation and the governance layer for metadata and information access through automated indexing, thesaurus development, taxonomy creation, natural language processing, machine translations, and machine aided indexing,and other knowledge organization systems (KOS) topics. All the building blocks that now go into the hot AI topics. She hold two patents with 21 claims addressing automation of information processing and tagging.