About me
With ~30 years experience in publishing, mostly on the digital side, I have a unique blend of technical knowledge, content management, and executive experience (with an MBA). I am passionate about leveraging technology to help the publishing process, not just because it is "cool."
In my role as Director, Data Ingest & Quality at OCLC, I direct the group responsible for ingesting the metadata and digital assets that power a number of products and technology services for our more than 18,000 members in 120 countries.
In my 12+ years as VP of Content Management at ITHAKA, I led the content infrastructure of JSTOR, as well as Portico, where we increased capacity and slashed costs for the world's premier preservation service. Before that, I spent most of my career in STM (Science, Technical & Medical) publishing.
Every March, I run an online charity basketball pool, in which all the money goes to charity, chosen by the winner. It's a lot of fun, and we have given more than $25,000 over the life of the pool to organizations such as Wounded Warriors, Mighty Writers, Partners in Health, and St. Jude's Children's Hospital. It is the very definition of a passion project.
Specialties include XML, HTML, Metadata, Workflow Engineering, Semantic Indexing, Electronic Publishing, and a strategic yet practical approach to Content Management that is driven exclusively by business goals, ie, "What are you trying to do, and how can the workflow support that?" Full stop.