Tuesday February 11, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm EST
The rapid advancements in Generative AI (GAI) have profound implications on the landscape of higher education and it is imperative that these implications are considered through an inclusive lens. Careful and thoughtful examination of GAI's most impactful applications for teaching, learning and research in the academic environment is necessary to ensure equitable access and outcomes for all students. Many institutions globally have recognized this need. In the Summer of 2023, Ithaka S+R launched a research and consulting project, “Making AI Generative for Higher Education” that assists 18 higher education institutions in identifying ways and areas GAI is poised to revolutionize educational practices, yet these areas are not receiving sufficient attention from our institution or the higher education sector at large. This panel discussion aims to explore the preliminary findings of our ongoing project, which investigates the potential impacts of GAI on research and teaching within the higher education environment, with particular attention to issues of equity and access. Representatives from Stony Brook University and Ithaka S+R will share insights on navigating the evolving educational landscape shaped by generative AI technologies, with a focus on ensuring that these technologies are leveraged to promote inclusivity and reduce barriers to success.

Collaborative Notes
avatar for Mona Ramonetti

Mona Ramonetti

Interim Associate Dean for Library Digital Services, Stony Brook University
Head of Scholarly Communication. Stony Brook University Libraries.

Claire Baytas

Senior Analyst, Ithaka S+R
avatar for John Fitzgerald

John Fitzgerald

Senior Programmer Analyst, Stony Brook University
Tuesday February 11, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm EST
Laurel AB
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