

Beat Barblan

Company R. R. Bowker LLC
Position General Manager
Location Chatham, NJ


avatar for Mary Beth Barilla

Mary Beth Barilla

Mary Beth Barilla is NISO’s Director of Business Development and Communications, where she manages member communications and ensures NISO’s sustainability through growth in membership, sponsorship, events, and other funding sources. Prior to joining NISO, Mary Beth worked at the Society for Scholarly Publishing as Program Director, where she led volunteers to develop educational programming for the scholarly communications community. She has also worked at RedLink, Inc. as the Publisher Relations Director and in various sales and marketing roles at both commercial and university presses.
Company National Information Standards Organization
Position Director of Business Development and Communication


avatar for Barry Bealer

Barry Bealer

I currently lead a team of account managers and sales executives responsible for revenue growth for our clients in North and South America focused on publishing, education, and media. I also lead M&A activities to identify and acquire software product and services companies that are accretive to the Impelsys mission.
Company Impelsys, Inc.
Position Vice President - Publishing, Education, and Media


avatar for Jeffrey Beck

Jeffrey Beck

Jeff is a Technical information Specialist at the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the US National Library of Medicine. He has been involved in the PubMed Central project since it began in 2000. He has been working in print and then electronic journal publishing since the early 1990s. Currently he is co-chair of the NISO Z39.96 JATS Standing Committee and is a BELS-certified Editor in the Life Sciences.

Company NIH


avatar for Ryan Bernier

Ryan Bernier

Company EBSCO
Position VP, Database Partnerships
Location Massachusetts


avatar for Karim Boughida

Karim Boughida

Executive leader with a demonstrated history of working in higher education, library, IT, and data sectors. Skilled in AI, emerging tech, data management, archival and library research, innovation management, product/program management, and team building.
Company Stony Brook University Libraries
Position Dean of Stony Brook University Libraries
Location Stony Brook, NY


avatar for Katherine Brooks

Katherine Brooks

Katherine Brooks is a Collection Analysis Librarian at Columbia University. She has worked at academic institutions for over 14 years, first as an evolutionary biologist and college instructor, and currently as a science librarian and collections analyst. In her role in the Columbia University Libraries, Katherine analyzes electronic resource usage data to inform strategic collections development & management. She is keenly interested in collections strategies and contributes to institutional collection priorities through her work on the Libraries’s Collections Strategies Team, Open Access Team, and Ebooks Team... Read more
Company Columbia University
Position Collection Analysis Librarian


avatar for Brandy Brouillard

Brandy Brouillard

Company Copyright Clearance Center
Position Manager


avatar for Marianne Calilhanna

Marianne Calilhanna

Let's talk content structure, metadata, NISO STS. I really want to hear the business challenges publishers face around content discovery.
Company Data Conversion Laboratory
Position VP Marketing


avatar for Yvonne Campfens

Yvonne Campfens

Collaborative, industry-wide initiatives. More specifically: the OA Switchboard.

Yvonne Campfens has over 25 years in publishing and related service sectors, with a Masters in applied econometrics from University of Amsterdam (1993). Early in her career she held a publishing position at Elsevier Science and thereafter various positions at Swets Subscription Service, including in publisher relations and as business partner to ALPSP in managing the ALJC (ALPSP Learned Journals Collection). From 2007 – 2012 she led the on-boarding of learned society publishing partners at Springer Nature, and was a co-founder of the TRANSFER Code of Practice. After running the Dutch language... Read more
Company Stichting OA Switchboard
Position Executive director OA Swtichboard
Location Netherlands


avatar for Todd Carpenter

Todd Carpenter

Wine, food, wine, Standards, running, wine, food, wine.

Company NISO
Position Executive Director
Location In an aluminum tube at 30K feet


avatar for Justin Clarke

Justin Clarke

Established in 1872, HARRASSOWITZ has been serving libraries around the world for 150 years. Our customers value us for the quality and accuracy of our services and for our industry-leading and innovative solutions. We specialize in providing a comprehensive range of high-quality acquisitions and collection development support services to academic and research libraries.
Position Director of Sales and Marketing, NA
Location Philadelphia


avatar for Audra Cox

Audra Cox

Company American Physiological Society
Position Director of Publishing Operations


avatar for Joanna Czerepowicz

Joanna Czerepowicz

Company Taylor & Francis LLC
Position Digital Production Team Leader
Location Philadelphia, PA


avatar for Susan Davis

Susan Davis

NASIG All-timer. Buffalo sports. Mysteries.
Company University at Buffalo
Position Acquisitions Librarian for Continuing Resources



Scott Delman

Company Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


avatar for Graham Dethmers

Graham Dethmers

Company University of Michigan - HathiTrust
Position Metadata Analyst, HathiTrust
Location Ann Arbor



Suzanne Duncan

My team provides serves to a Health System in several states with 12 hospitals, over 150 physician practices, home health, Health Plans and Sentara College of Health Sciences which has programs from the associate to master's level. I am very involved the many councils in the system including the; education, Continuing Medical Education, Ethics, Research, Curriculum Review and Academic Assessment at the college. and 
Company Sentara Health
Position Director, Library Services
Location Virginia


avatar for Judson Dunham

Judson Dunham

I have been in product management at Elsevier for seven years, working mostly on our flagship online search and discovery products ScienceDirect and Scopus. In recent years I’ve led efforts to develop new ways of integrating supplementary data into online articles, establish linkages between articles and research data in repositories and dynamically integrate external data into articles. I'm part of the team leading our explorations into facilitating text mining for curation and research purposes, working extensively with researchers from around the world to get them content for text mining and... Read more
Company Elsevier
Position Senior Director of Product Management
Location Amsterdam


avatar for Edward Dunne

Edward Dunne

Company American Mathematical Society
Position Executive Editor - Mathematical Reviews
Location Ann Arbor, MI, USA


avatar for Susan Epstein

Susan Epstein

In my job, I analyze and document user needs, then find solutions for Maguire Medical Library access and training. Through clarifying, troubleshooting, and resolving access and systems issues, I facilitate efficient workflows.
Company Florida State University -- Maguire Medical Library
Position Head of Library Access Systems


avatar for Ray Farmer

Ray Farmer

Ray Farmer is part of the Chronicle's Content Revenue team and leads site license business operations. He manages a team that supports librarians, site license users, subscription agencies and consortia managers in accessing the Chronicle's digital content and related products.  As a first time attendee, Ray is looking forward to sharing updates on the higher education marketplace from the Chronicle's recently released Trends Report and upcoming innovations to the Chronicle brand.
Company The Chronicle of Higher Education
Position Senior Director of Institutional Engagement
Location Washington, DC


avatar for Noam Fass

Noam Fass

Noam Fass – Product Manager
Working for Ex Libris for the past 7 years, originally based in Jerusalem (Ex Libris headquarters), now living with my family in Connecticut.
As a graduate of Industrial Design studies, I believe in user centered design and always try to listen to sentiment of the community and utilize its power to validate my assumptions.
I aim to please and derive great satisfaction knowing that the work I do has direct and indirect impact on so many people, specifically when communicating with members of the community, listening to their pain points and transforming their desires into reality. I love spending time with my family, hiking and biking... Read more
Company Ex Libris, part of Clarivate
Position Director of Provider Relations
Location Connecticut


avatar for John Felts

John Felts

John is currently the Head of Information Technology and Collections at Coastal Carolina University.  He has worked in academic library technology for over 30 years and is a former patent holder and co-founder of Journal Finder, the first OpenURL Resolver and knowledge base to go into production in the United States.  He is a member of the SeamlessAccess Outreach Committee and the Scholarly Network Security Initiative (SNSI) University Relations Group.
Company Coastal Carolina University
Position Head of Information Technology and Collections
Location Conway, SC


avatar for Tina Frühauf

Tina Frühauf

Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) is committed to documenting the world’s knowledge about all musical traditions, and to making this knowledge accessible to research and performance communities worldwide via digital collections and advanced tools. RILM’s collections aim to include the music scholarship of all countries, in all languages, and across all disciplinary and cultural boundaries, thereby fostering research in the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences.
Company RILM
Position Executive Director
Location New York


avatar for Kimberly Graham

Kimberly Graham

Company NISO
Position Education Program Manager & DEIA Advocate



Maggie Grasseschi

Company BioOne
Position Production Technology Associate


avatar for Jason Griffey

Jason Griffey

Jason Griffey is the Director of Strategic Initiatives at NISO, where he works to identify new areas of the information ecosystem where standards expertise is useful and needed, and leads ongoing projects such as NISO’s participation in the Coalition for Seamless Access. Prior to joining NISO in 2019, Jason ran his own technology consulting company for libraries, has been both an Affiliate at metaLAB and a Fellow and Affiliate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, and was an academic librarian in roles ranging from reference and instruction to Head of IT a... Read more
Company NISO
Position Director of Strategic Initiatives
Location Sewanee, TN



Mark Gross

Company Data Conversion Laboratory
Position President


avatar for Ana Van Gulick

Ana Van Gulick

Company Figshare, Digital Science
Position Government and Funder Lead
Location Seattle



Nicole Gutierrez

Company World Bank
Position Senior Program Assistant


avatar for Matt Hayes

Matt Hayes

I am MD of Technology from Sage, a portfolio of library services owned by Sage Publishing. Tools include Talis, covering reading lists, ereserves and social annotation, Lean Library, a library discovery and patron engagement tool, and Sciwheel, an authoring and reference management tool.

Would love to learn more about library perspectives on areas such as:

Affordability and Equitable Access,OER,Decolonization and DEI,Patron Engagement,and Library Discovery.
This is my first CNI and I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone!
Company Technology from Sage
Position MD
Location London, UK


avatar for Cristin Hipke

Cristin Hipke

Company NISO
Position Standards Program Manager


avatar for Margie Hlava

Margie Hlava

If you are curious about taxonomies and their implementation Margie is the one to talk with. She is presently convener of the ISO 25964 Information and documentation — Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies — Part 1: Thesauri for information retrieval, management, and use. She contributed to the Z39.19 2005 Controlled Vocabulary,  Z39.85 Dublin Core standard development teams. She also created the taxonomy for the CrEdit standard, worked on the Z39.104 Standard  Specific Ontology for Standards, (SSOS), the DOI Syntax and DOI Contributed Metadata set, Open URL Standard Advisor, NISO Z39.88, and others.   Marjorie M.K. Hlava is Chief Scientist, Chairman, and founder of Access Innovations, Inc. She served on the NISO board for five years and the NISO Content Board. She is past president several organizations; NFAIS (2002-2003), American Society for Information Scienc... Read more
Company Access Innovations
Position Chief Scientist
Location Albuquerque New Mexico, USA


avatar for Athena Hoeppner

Athena Hoeppner

Athena Hoeppner is the Discovery Services Librarian at the University of Central Florida, in Orlando, Florida, and currently serving as Interim Associate Dean for Resources and Discovery. She has served UCF Libraries for over 29 years, with roles in public services, systems, and technical services. For the last two decades her work focused on the eResources lifecycle, collection building, assessment, discovery, access, and UX. Athena's recent projects explore information standards, metrics, and technologies to improve library and vendor operations and enhance access to content for individuals... Read more
Company University of Central Florida
Position Interim Associate Dean for Resources and Discovery
Location Orlando, FL


avatar for Cindy Hohl

Cindy Hohl

Cindy Hohl, MBA/MLIS, is a member of the Santee Sioux Nation and director of policy analysis and operational support at the Kansas City Public Library She is a past president of the American Indian Library Association and committed to focusing her work around creating welcoming spaces where library workers know that they belong there. In her work on the DEIA committee with the National Information Standards Organization and as a North American representative to the International Federation of Library Associations Indigenous Matters Section she works with librarians to share information across... Read more
Company Kansas City Public Library
Position Director of policy analysis and operational support
Location Missouri


avatar for Melissa Jones

Melissa Jones

Company Silverchair
Position Content Architect


avatar for Jennifer Kemp

Jennifer Kemp

Jennifer is Director of Consulting Services at Stratos (Strategies for Open Science). She was most recently Head of Partnerships at Crossref, where she worked with funders, publishers, service providers and API users to improve community participation, metadata and discoverability. Prior to Crossref, Jennifer was Senior Manager of Policy and External Relations, North America for Springer Nature. Jennifer started her career as a librarian before joining HighWire Press where she worked with a wide variety of scholarly publishers. She is active in the research support community and serves as Co-chair... Read more
Company Strategies for Open Science (Stratos)
Position Director, Consulting Services


avatar for Benjamin Knysak

Benjamin Knysak

RIPM preserves and provides access to eighteenth-, nineteenth- and twentieth-century periodical literature dealing with music and facilitates and encourages research based on this previously-neglected documentary resource.
Company RIPM: Répertoire international de la presse musicale
Position Executive Editor
Location Baltimore, Maryland


avatar for Beth LaPensee

Beth LaPensee

Company ITHAKA
Position Sr. Product Manager for JSTOR
Location Ann Arbor, MI


avatar for Bonnie Lawlor

Bonnie Lawlor

Company Chescot Publishing
Position Consultant


avatar for Phil Leahy

Phil Leahy

I've seen OpenAthens grow from an access management service exclusively serving the UK academic community, to a set of products and services used in more than 50 countries by over four million users working and studying in academic, healthcare, government and commercial organisations. OpenAthens products and services are also used by all the major publishing groups, and many of the smaller ones.

Come and talk to me about how OpenAthens can help provide secure, personalized access to online subscription content whether you represent an institution or a publisher.
Company OpenAthens
Position Key client services manager
Location Bristol, United Kingdom


avatar for Morris Levy

Morris Levy

Company OCLC
Position Consulting Database Specialist
Location OH



Vincent Lizzi

Talk to me about JATS, XSLT, usability, metadata, persistent identifiers, standards, content management, project management. I\'m interested in forming connections and identifying opportunities.
Company Taylor & Francis
Position Head of Information Standards


avatar for Tim Lloyd

Tim Lloyd

Tim Lloyd is founder and CEO of LibLynx, a company providing Identity, Access & Analytics solutions for online resources. His career spans several decades in a variety of product development and operational roles in online publishing, with a particular focus on developing innovative products and services to support online learning and research. Tim is a member of the Governance committee of SeamlessAccess.org and co-chair of the Outreach committee, a member of STM's Researcher Identity working group, and served on the Project COUNTER working group on OA/unpaywalled reporting and the OA Switchboard's... Read more
Company LibLynx
Position CEO
Location Washington D.C. Metro Area


avatar for Leo Lo

Leo Lo

Company University of New Mexico
Position Dean
Location Albuquerque, NM


avatar for Judy Luther

Judy Luther

I am interested in your challenges in and ideas for the creation, discovery and use of content in all formats. As a consultant I work with all stakeholders in scholarly publishing including societies, vendors, publishers, funders and libraries.

Company Informed Strategies LLC
Position Owner
Location Ardmore PA


avatar for Kate McCready

Kate McCready

Kate McCready (she/her/hers) is the Visiting Program Officer for Academy Owned Scholarly Publishing at the Big Ten Academic Alliance. In this role, Kate is leading the development of a vision for a multifaceted, sustainable course of action to strengthen academy-owned publishing for the BTAA. This work is part of the development of the Library Initiatives’ BIG Collection, which aims to manage the separate collections of the Big Ten university libraries as a single collection. Her home institution, where she has served in a variety of roles including the interim associate university librarian

... Read more
Company Big Ten Academic Alliance
Position Visiting Program Officer


avatar for Kathryn Miller

Kathryn Miller

Kathryn Miller is a Publishing Services Librarian with the Information Services Office. Kathryn's work at NIST includes coordinating the production, dissemination, marketing, bibliographic control, and impact assessment activities related to the publishing of the NIST Technical Series Publications. Kathryn's role also focuses on library user experience and developing library training programs. Through this work, Kathryn developed a passion for information accessibility, including a commitment to inclusive language and accessible content. She has an MLIS from the University of Maryland and is... Read more
Company National Institute of Standards and Technology
Position Publishing Services Librarian
Location Maryland, USA


avatar for Michael Napoleone

Michael Napoleone

Company EBSCO
Position VP SaaS Product Management


avatar for Mike Napoleone

Mike Napoleone

Company EBSCO
Position VP SaaS Product Management


avatar for Rob O'Donnell

Rob O'Donnell

Rob is Director of Publishing at The Rockefeller University Press, publisher of The Journal of Cell Biology, The Journal of Experimental Medicine, and The Journal of General Physiology. He oversees all production-related workflows and drives technological innovation. Drawing from over two decades of STM experience, Rob is responsible for keeping abreast of and evaluating current publishing initiatives, policies, and technical standards, threading them together and architecting workflows that fit RUP’s infrastructure.
Company Rockefeller University Press
Position Sr. Director of Publishing
Location New York


avatar for Katy O'Neill

Katy O'Neill

Katy O’Neill is the Associate Director of Research and Technology Servcies at the Loyola Notre Dame Library in Baltimore, Maryland. Katy has co-authored a three year technology plan with a colleague from Loyola University Maryland’s Office of Technology Services and redefined financial management practices to provide the Library’s Board of Directors with information to better inform decision-making. She is currently working with colleagues to renovate library spaces in support of active learning priorities. Her current interests focus on engaging students in digital scholarship, transforming... Read more
Company LNDL
Position Director
Location Baltimore, Maryland



Jerry Orvedahl

Company Sage Publications, Inc.
Position Senior Manager, Online Content Analysis
Location Washington, DC


avatar for Victoria Owen

Victoria Owen

Victoria Owen holds a joint appointment as Information Policy Scholar-Practitioner in the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto and as Special Advisor to the Dean on Information Accessibility at UTSC. Her particular focus encompasses copyright, access, accessibility, human rights, and the public interest. Her background is in library administration in academic, special and public libraries, including the University of Toronto and the CNIB Library for the Blind. Victoria holds a Master’s in Library Science and a Master’s in Law, specializing in intellectual property. She serves...
Company University of Toronto
Position Information Policy Scholar-Practitioner


avatar for Bobbi Patham

Bobbi Patham

Bobbi Patham is the Manager of Discovery & Discovery Services at Springer Nature. She has over 15+ years of experience in content management, metadata standards, subject classification and bibliographic collection. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry and a Master's degree in Library and Information Science. She is currently serving in the NISO KBART & ODI Standing Committees.
To learn about the Springer Nature Discovery, please visit www.springer.com/discovery or contact at Discovery@springernature.com
Company Springer Nature
Position Discovery & Discovery Services Manager
Location 233, Spring St, New York, NYC-10013


avatar for Victoria Pilato

Victoria Pilato

Hello. I am the Digital Projects Librarian at Stony Brook University. Chat with me about building digital collections, music, hiking, cats, and art. I have a BFA in Printmaking and I love to talk about copyright, even though I'm not a lawyer.
Company Stony Brook University Libraries
Position Digital Products Librarian


avatar for Matthew Ragucci

Matthew Ragucci

I am Wiley's resident librarian and provide insight on metadata sharing strategies for optimizing its electronic resources for discovery, access, and usage. This includes working closely with librarians and library solutions providers alike to get the tools they need to help the end-user. I also moonlight as a reference and instruction librarian My interests are cataloging, metadata, data standards, and user experience.
Company Wiley
Position Director of Institutional Product Marketing


avatar for Molly Rainard

Molly Rainard

Company Auraria Library
Position Licensing & Acquisitions Manager


avatar for Mona Ramonetti

Mona Ramonetti

Head of Scholarly Communication. Stony Brook University Libraries.
Company Stony Brook University
Position Interim Associate Dean for Library Technology, Di


avatar for Kristen Ratan

Kristen Ratan

Kristen Ratan is the Principal of Strategies for Open Science (Stratos), working with open science funders, advocates, and infrastructure providers to produce tangible results towards open scholarship. Kristen has a 20+ year history working to accelerate advances in science and research communication through work at Coko, PLOS, HighWire, Atypon, and BIOSIS. Kristen is on the boards of the American Institute of Physics Publishing, Rapid Science, and ASAPbio and advisory boards of Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI), MIT Press, Stencila, DataSeer, and PREreview.
Company Stratos
Position CEO
Location Santa Cruz, CA


avatar for Howard Ratner

Howard Ratner

Howard is the Executive Director of CHORUS. Over the past two decades, he played a key role in developing innovative technology solutions that have transformed scholarly communications. He co-founded and chaired ORCID – Open Researcher and Contributor ID system, and was active in the establishment of the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and the founding and technical development of Crossref and CLOCKSS. He was President of the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) from 2014-2015 and served on its board from 2010-2012 and 2013-2016. He is co-chair of the Metadata 2020 Best Practices and Principle... Read more
Company CHORUS
Position Executive Director
Location Greater New York City Area


avatar for Mayya Revzina

Mayya Revzina

I manage copyright and publishing rights at World Bank Publications. At the moment my focus is building on the success of the World Bank’s Open Access Policy, as well as educating my colleagues about copyright in the open access environment.
Company World Bank
Position Publishing Rights and Copyright Lead
Location Washington, DC


avatar for Rhonda Ross

Rhonda Ross

I enjoy investing in people and their success above all. I value the work of NISO, and I look forward to joining you for the conference! I've been with CAS for 35 years in a variety of roles, including Content, ACS Publications, Finance,  HR, and Marketing, and I'm proud of our work to improve people's lives and enable scientific innovation.

CAS is a leader in scientific information solutions, partnering with innovators around the world to accelerate scientific breakthroughs. CAS employs over 1,400 experts who curate, connect, and analyze scientific knowledge to reveal unseen connections. For... Read more
Company CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society
Position Chief of Staff
Location Columbus, OH


avatar for Mary Sauer-Games

Mary Sauer-Games

Mary Sauer-Games is Chief Product Officer at OCLC. She joined OCLC in September 2014.

She came to OCLC from the American Psychological Association, where she was Senior Director, managing PsycINFO database products and leading an organization of 70 staff. From 2002 to February 2014, she was Vice President, Product Management–Humanities, STM and Dissertations at ProQuest, a leading global information provider. Before that, from 1999 through 2002, she was Vice President, Product Management, at the Gale Group, a major reference and education publisher of electronic databases and textbooks. She previously held positions at Mullen Advertising, R. L. Polk and Company, and Data Resources

... Read more
Company OCLC
Position Chief Product Officer



John Shaw

Company Sage Publishing
Position SVP and CTO


avatar for Emily Singley

Emily Singley

Hi! I'm the Vice President of North American Library Relations. I'm interested in learning about your experiences with Elsevier and how we can support your library better.
Company Elsevier, Inc.
Position VP, North American Library Relations
Location Boston, MA


avatar for Robin N Sinn

Robin N Sinn

Robin is Director of Collections and Open Strategies at Iowa State University. This position merges collections and scholarly communications work. My goal is to support research and learning at ISU while moving academic publishing to a more open system. In addition to purchasing and licensing content for ISU researchers and students, we also support open publishing by ISU researchers, open content used by our community, and open infrastructure programs that make this possible.
Robin has an MS in librarianship from Drexel University. She previously worked at the Academy of Natural Sciences Academy Library, University of Toledo Carlson Library, Bowling Green State University Libraries, and Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries... Read more
Company Iowa State University
Position Director, Collections and Open Strategies
Location Ames IA USA



Richard Smith

Company Bowker
Position Director of Product Management


avatar for Heather Staines

Heather Staines

I'm a consultant for scholarly publishers and vendors, and I am also Director of Community Engagement for the Delta Think Open Access Data & Analytics Tool. In my spare time I write musicals about metadata!
Company Delta Think
Position Senior Consultant



Jessica Thibodeau

Company Copyright Clearance Center (CCC)
Position Sr. Director, Information & Content Solutions


avatar for Matthew Treskon

Matthew Treskon

Ask me about metadata at Project MUSE! I get into the weeds (to help libraries with their holdings information and ensure that our discovery partners have the right data) but I also like to think about the big picture. So, if you have problems or ideas, let me know!
Company Project MUSE (JHU Press)
Position Metadata Strategist


avatar for Anita de Waard

Anita de Waard

Anita de Waard has a background in experimental physics. She joined Elsevier as publisher in physics and neurology in 1988, and currently works as a VP for research collaborations, with a focus on establishing collaborations between Elsevier and academic groups in information and computer science. From January 2006 onwards, she has been working on this topic as a part-time researcher at the University of Utrecht, funded by a Casimir project grant by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. She is a co-founder of Force11, a multi-stakeholder organisation to invent the future of scholarly... Read more
Company Elsevier
Position Vice President, Research Collaborations
Location Jericho, VT


avatar for Jasmine Wallace

Jasmine Wallace

Jasmine Wallace is the Senior Production Manager at the Public Library of Science (PLOS).  She is responsible for the production processes and day to day production and publication operations for the PLOS journal portfolio. Previously, she was the Peer Review Manager at the American Society for Microbiology (ASM). She was responsible for ensuring peer review practices, workflow, processes, and policies were up-to-date and applied consistently across the entire portfolio of journals. She currently serves as Treasurer for the Council of Science Editors and is the creator and host of their podcast series S.P.E.A.K

... Read more
Company PLOS
Position Senior Production Manager
Location USA


avatar for Charles Watkinson

Charles Watkinson

I'm AUL for Publishing at University of Michigan Library and Director of University of Michigan Press. I'm particularly interested in next-gen institutional repositories, the future of ebook collections and acquisitions, and how books can also get to participate in the networked digital environment (which includes business models to make them open access)
Company University of Michigan
Position Associate University Librarian
Location Greater Detroit Area


avatar for Kari D. Weaver

Kari D. Weaver

Dr. Kari D. Weaver (she/her) holds her Master’s in Library and Information Science from the University of Rhode Island and her Doctorate in Education in Curriculum & Instruction from the University of South Carolina. Since 2017 she has worked as the Learning, Teaching, and Instructional Design Librarian at the University of Waterloo Library. Her research centers on the intersection of human information behaviour and pedagogy and covers a wide range of topics including academic integrity, teaching to identify misinformation, graduate student research experiences, online learning, and digital...
Company University of Waterloo
Position Learning, Teaching, and Instructional Design Librarian
Location Waterloo, Ontario


avatar for Emma Wilson-Shaw

Emma Wilson-Shaw

Emma Wilson-Shaw has 20+ years of experience in UK academic libraries; working with e-resources, authentication, systems and as a reference librarian. Currently, she's the e-Resource Manager for OpenAthens, where she works with libraries, publishers, and service providers to ensure a smooth user journey to content.
Company OpenAthens
Position E-resource manager
Location London, UK


avatar for Kathy Wolcott

Kathy Wolcott

Company American Mathematical Society
Position Director of Production and Librarian


avatar for Ralph Youngen

Ralph Youngen

Company American Chemical Society
Position Sr. Director, Strategic Partnerships
Location Washington, DC

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